Standard Obituaries are free and forever. You may submit one photograph and there is a 300 word limit. You can submit your own pre-formatted Word document, or fill out an interactive .PDF HERE.
You may also publish a premium Obituary, up to 1,000 words & up to 25 images, arranged in a slide presentation for a reasonable fee. Click the “Get Started” button and let us know in the email if you would like an upgrade. We will respond within 24 hours with any information you might need and the Fee Schedule.
We will take care of transferring your document onto our website. Once the obituary is ready to publish, we will send you a notification for your final approval. We then publish the obituary immediately upon receiving your signed approval. Remember, online publications are “responsive”, so any formatting you do in a word document may display differently on the 4 major device models: Desktop, Laptop, Tablet and Phone.
You will need to provide a Certificate of Death within 30 days of your publishing date. See Terms & Conditions for complete details, but simply put, to avoid fraudulent publishing, we remove any unverified obits after 30 days, or immediately upon receiving verifiable evidence of fraud.
TBRBN accepts all Microsoft file formats, all Adobe file formats, as well as .txt & .html. Be sure to attach image files separately for highest quality.
When ready, just click the “Get Started” button to begin.
“Biographies” refers to works of Non-Fiction. TBRBN publishes Autobiographies, Memoirs, and Biographies. Published Biographies are freely accessed to all site visitors, unless deemed Restricted Content.
An autobiography is written by and about the author; a first-person account of their life. TBRBN does not vet autobiographical works, except to determine if the work requires Content Restriction.
A memoir is similar to an autobiography, but with a narrower scope of subject matter; addressing a particular time of the author’s life, a notable accomplishment or position, or other similar subject matter. TBRBN does not vet the author’s accounting of such subject matter, but will vet for known historical accuracy* and as always, to determine whether the work is subject to Content Restriction.
A biography is written in the third-person, by anyone with a particular interest in the subject. They may be authorized or unauthorized, and hopefully, based on investigation and corroboration of the detailed facts presented. Biographies are vetted for false narratives and content restriction. If any portion of the work is deemed to be Content Restricted, TBRBN will not censor the content but will make necessary edits for historical accuracy*; if deemed unrestricted content, TBRBN will make necessary edits to ensure historical accuracy*.
Public Access to Content Restricted works are fee-based. You can learn more and SUBSCRIBE HERE.
All Biographies are subject to our General Disclaimer and require the Author publish their identity. Authorized biographies require certified authorization by the subject prior to publication.
*each instance will be highlighted and contain an editor’s note providing authenticated correction(s).